Modify any OmrProcessor properties whose default values are not appropriate for the recognition task at hand.
Instantiate an OmrSegmentModel object for each segment the field contains.
Instantiate an OmrBubbleModel object for each bubble in a segment. Set each bubbles' OmrBubbleModel value property with its representative string or character value. Add the OmrBubbleModel objects to the segments' OmrSegmentModel.Bubbles collection property.
Instantiate a FormImage object and set it to the image to be OMR analyzed. Typically this image will be the result of a registration or deskew operation and have undergone image "clean-up" processing.
On successful completion, the OmrProcessor.AnalyzeField method returns an OmrFieldResult object. The OmrFieldResult object contains field level analysis results such as text and confidence values. If finer detailed analysis results are desired the OmrFieldResult.Segments property allows access to a collection of OmrSegmentResult objects that contain analysis results on the segment level. Additionally the OmrSegmentResult.Bubbles property contains analysis results on a bubble level.